Saturday, March 26, 2011

Red Velvet Cake

Since I started making cakes regularly, I've really struggled to find a recipe that works for all occasions. I have used a basic Madeira recipe but for some reason (most probably my dodgy oven), its never the same twice.

I have a fabulous chocolate cake recipe by Jane Hornby, for wedding cakes but it has something like 10 eggs in it, so its not really practical for smaller or less expensive cakes.

So? Red Velvet Cake, I think its the one! for a round covered cake its perfect. Its by Lorraine Pascale, from her Baking Made Easy series on BBC. God she makes it look easy, and actually it is!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Learning to cake...

My real obsession with cake decorating began about a  year ago this week , my friend Andy was the proud recipient of a rather peculiarly decorated cake that was supposed to look like animal from the muppets, however the buttercream melted and he looked decidedly wierd (Animal not Andy :-).

Since then I've tried out more and more decorating ideas and like to think they've improved somewhat,and have also spent a small fortune on kit -  it keeps me out of the pub at least !